Sofina Wrinkle Seraty Essence (25ml) + Lift Up Mask (2 pieces)


This essence contains several herbal extracts and intensive hydrating ingredients for extra firming and smoothing results. Targets under eye and lip areas to firm and improve dryness. Use it with Sofina Wrinkle Seraty Lift Up Mask to achieve the best firming result.

For all skin type, especially for saggy and tired look skin.

How to use?
Use it after cleansing and toning. Apply the essence to the whole face and massage gently. Use more on under eye and lip areas to reduce dryness and improve elastic of the skin.
Can be used day and night.

Wrinkle Seraty Lift-Up Mask
Lock up the moisture and increase the effectiveness of anti-aging and firming results.

- 給予眼眸、嘴唇四周、全臉肌膚滋潤保濕、彈力。
- 能修復因乾燥或彈力纖維鬆弛所造成的細紋,給予全臉深度潤澤,讓臉蛋充滿生命力和彈性,展現年輕膚質。
- 新成分-彈力賦活素,能抑制真皮彈力消失,肌膚重拾緊緻彈力。
- AL氨基酸:使表皮角質纖維素分散,瞬間回復表皮彈力。
- 生薑菁華:抑制真皮的彈性纖維變質,回復彈力。
- 馬栗樹菁華:強化真皮收縮膠原蛋白的力量,緊緻真皮彈性。