Sofina Whitening Memory White Mask (24ml x 6 pieces)


- The SOFINA Memory White series is designed to get instant white and improve the color tone of the deep layers of the skin.
- It suitable for ALL skin type.
- The whitening mask providing intensive care for dark spots, freckles and pimple scars.

It is seperate to 2 parts, they are: T-zone Whitening Mask and U-zone Whitening Mask.

How to use: Use T-zone Whitening Mask on the t-zone area, and the U-zone Whitening Mask for the lower part of the face. Press mask onto face gently and remove after 10 to 15 minutes. Massage the remaining essence gently onto skin. To be used once or twice a week.

- 透針對強烈日曬後等的特殊美白保養或日常美白保養後,想多一分特別美白保養者。
- 美白面膜內含奢侈的成份量,大量美白有效成份約美白精華的一支份量(80倍)。
- 閉鎖型的滲透力,讓面膜紙將美白成分滿滿地滲透至肌膚底層,並具放鬆神經等效果。
- 上下2片面膜設計,使用方便更容易服貼肌膚。

● 含美白有效成分洋甘菊ET菁華
● 恆白記憶誘導體(Chromone Derivative S)
● 丁香菁華


美白有效成分 洋甘菊ET精華配合。

給全臉肌膚明亮透淨 無油配方,質地清爽的霜狀類型

*恆白記憶誘導體(Chromone Derivative S)配合。